This was the 10th season that turtles in this study population were tracked.
This summer season started early as all tracked turtles emerged from hibernation during the month of April. Most turtles quickly moved away from their hibernation locations, and many quickly traveled long distances into areas they were never before observed to have traveled.
Eight new turtles were found, 2 females and 6 males, and 2 study turtles were killed during the season. Three turtles, M24, M40, and M47, lost last season due to transmitter loss and failure, were re-found and are again being tracked.
Seven (7) study turtles made road crossings this season and 5 of these (4 females and 1 male) made 2 crossings each.
Over 1200 turtle locations were recorded this season. Multiple heat wave weeks and the large number of turtles (36) being tracked, reduced the number of locations recorded for each turtle.
Mark/recapture numbers for this season are 8 new turtles and 15 re-finds.
M25 (F) was killed in the meadow this summer when she was run over by a tractor tire during mowing. M25 was tracked since 2012 and shared the meadow with M18(M), M29(M), 30(M), with whom she mated occassionally, and a few females including M11(F), the first meadow resident found.
M25 was tracked 0.6 GPS miles this season
M14 (M) was killed in the meadow this summer when he was run over by a tractor tire during mowing.
He was injured while crossing the road last season and spent the remainder of that seaon as well as the first half of this season in his old activity area around the Tank Road Meeting Area. On 6/2/17 he suddenly traveled a fast, nearly straight-line route, crossing back across the road and into the meadow possibly meeting with M18 and M29.
This was the 7th uninterrupted season M14 was tracked.
M14 was tracked 0.9 gps miles this season
M14 was tracked for 10.1 gps miles (2010 - 2017)
Turtle M50 (Male) 370 gr. was found crossing the road 8/3/17 by employees Chuck and Steve, and was one of 2 males observed crossing this season. He crossed back late in the season and immediatly found a hibernation location.
Green Dot = Emergence, Red Dot = Hibernation, Blue Dot = NEW FIND, White Dot = Dead
Turtle M53 (Female), 585gr, was found on 9/7/17 mating with M48 (also found new this season) on top of the ridge which is apparently a primary activity area for a number of turtles. This is one of the largest turtles in this population.
It appears that he has had a severe injury to his carapace sometime in the past, which has since healed.
M12 (M) This was the 8th season that turtle M12 was tracked. He was tracked 1.2 miles this season and stayed mostly on the south slope. M12 has been tracked 10.8 GPS miles over 8 seasons.
The maps show M12's travels for the 2017 season as well as for all 8 seasons. He travels across the ravine, to the north facing slope once or twice each season, but stays only a short time and returns to the south slope each time.
NEW turtles found in 2017
Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina carolina
A Relict Population Doomed To Extinction?